Investment is the process of putting your money in a place where it can make more money for you. The best investments are those that have the potential to grow over a long period of time and pay dividends in terms of cash or other financial benefits.


Investment is an important part of economics, which discusses the allocation of scarce resources to produce valuable goods and services. It is the process of committing resources in order to make more money. Investment also refers to the purchase of capital goods, real estate or stocks with a long term expectation that it will lead to increased profits later on.

Investment may be done by individuals, companies or governments; for example: A person might invest his/her money in a savings account at a bank or credit union; a company can invest money in new machinery so it can produce more goods efficiently; and government entities often invest funds into infrastructure projects like roads and bridges.

Types of investment

There are many different types of investment. Investment is a financial activity that involves the purchase or sale of assets to generate wealth. The goal is usually to earn returns on an asset. Investments can include stocks, bonds, real estate, and other instruments as well as gold and currency. Types of investments fall into two categories: debt and equity (or ownership).

Debt-based investments: These are loans made by investors to businesses or governments who then pay interest on the loan back to the investor over time until the principal amount is paid off in full. Bonds are one type of debt instrument issued by governments and companies that allow them access to additional funds for their operations without taking on too much debt themselves (as would happen if they borrowed directly from banks).

When you buy bonds from someone else at a specific price you’ll receive regular payments from them until either your bond matures (when you get all your money back) or it goes into default due to bankruptcy proceedings being filed against them (in which case there may not be enough money available for all investors). Stock markets provide another avenue through which people can invest their capital through buying shares in publicly traded companies like Apple Inc., Amazon Inc., Microsoft Corporation etc…


Bonds are debt instruments that are issued by governments, companies and municipalities. They are a form of borrowing for a fixed period of time, during which investors receive fixed interest payments. Bonds can be purchased on the secondary market after they have been issued, which makes them an attractive investment option for investors who want to earn income from their money.


Stocks are the most well-known form of investment. They are shares in a company that can be bought and sold at any time. Most people who buy stocks do so with the hope that they will grow in value over time. The higher the price of a stock, the more valuable it is; when you sell your stock, you’ll get back some or all of what you paid for it plus an amount that represents how much its worth has increased since then (minus fees).

Stocks have been around since ancient times—one of the earliest recorded instances was in Mesopotamia during 2100 BCE. In modern times, they’re usually traded on exchanges like NYSE Euronext or NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange (Nordic). There are many different companies involved with trading stocks; these include brokerages like Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley & Co., UBS AG and JP Morgan Chase & Co..

Mutual funds

An investment is a deployment of capital in a project or enterprise with the expectation of receiving an uncertain return, which is generally expressed as a percentage of capital invested. Types of investments include:

  • Securities such as stocks and bonds.
  • Real estate.
  • Commodities such as gold or oil (speculation on future prices).
  • Interest in an art collection or gemstones.

Real Estate

If you want to invest in real estate, there are two main types of investment:

  • Residential property investment.
  • Commercial property investment.

Residential property is the type of properties that people live in, such as houses and apartments. Commercial properties include office buildings and shopping centers. These can be owned by individual investors and corporations for their own uses or leased out at a profit.

Both types of real estate investments provide excellent returns over time, but it’s important to note that residential properties have smaller return periods than commercial ones.

Additional talking point:

Due to low interest rates, the debt instrument such as PPF, FD etc. have become least profitable options. It is better to invest in equity mutual funds rather than the fixed deposits.

  • You can invest in fixed deposits, recurring deposits (RD) and Public Provident Fund (PPF). These are debt instruments.
  • You can also invest in bonds. Bonds are debt instruments, but they are less risky than FDs because they do not have a maturity period.
  • The return on your investment is determined by the rate of interest offered by banks and companies, which is decided by RBI periodically according to inflation rate in India and other factors like GDP growth rate etc., The current interest rate on fixed deposits is around 7% per annum for small amounts invested upto Rs 1 crore (10 million).

Investment is an important part of a country’s economy. It helps in increasing the wealth of the people, improves their standard of living and helps in providing employment to many. Investment can take place in various forms like real estate, bonds etc. Different types of investments have different advantages and disadvantages. Thus, before investing it is important that investors should understand these differences so that they can make decisions accordingly.

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