Investing is the act of allocating resources with the intention to generate income and profit. A wide variety of investments are available, including property, stocks and shares, commodities, bonds, and money market instruments. It is also worth noting that successful investments are usually a long-term commitment that can result in greater returns than keeping money in a savings account. Investments may include stocks, bonds, mutual funds and real estate. Learn more about how investments work with this guide.

Investing is the act of allocating resources, usually money, with the expectation of generating an income or profit

Investing is the act of allocating resources, usually money, with the expectation of generating an income or profit. Investing is not gambling or a get rich quick scheme. It’s important to understand that investing isn’t a get rich scheme at all—investors are seeking to grow their money over time through careful selection and monitoring of investments.

Investors are looking for investments that will generate a return on their money, so they can spend it or save it for future use. They typically want to make more from their investment than they paid in the first place.

Types of Investment Assets

An investment asset is something that you can buy or sell. There are many different types of investment assets: stocks, bonds, real estate and commodities are among the most common.

Investment assets can be tangible or intangible; they can also be classified as liquid or illiquid. For example:

  • A stock represents ownership in a company; it’s tangible and liquid because you can buy and sell it quickly at any time (i.e., there’s no waiting period).
  • The rights to royalties paid by TV networks have been called “intangible assets” because they don’t have physical form; however, they are usually considered investments because their value changes over time based on how much money the network makes from airing shows with those rights attached to them.


Stocks are a form of ownership in a company. You can buy and sell stocks on an exchange, which means they’re more liquid than other investments like bonds or real estate. But because they’re less liquid than other investments, their prices tend to be more volatile (i.e., they change rapidly).

When you buy stocks in large quantities (i.e., “100” shares), it’s known as “buying long.” If you buy them in smaller quantities (“1” share), it’s referred to as “buying short.”

In general, stocks represent a relatively large amount of risk for investors. This is because they’re less liquid than other investments and can experience price fluctuations that are beyond an investor’s control. However, the benefits of investing in stocks include the potential for higher returns over time.


Bonds are debt instruments that help companies, governments and other organizations raise capital needed to finance their operations. Bonds can be issued by sovereign governments (such as the United States Treasury) or corporations. They come with a fixed interest rate, called the coupon rate, which is paid to the holder of the bond over its lifetime. At maturity, all remaining principal must be repaid at once.

Bonds generally move inversely to interest rates; when interest rates rise, bond prices fall because investors want higher returns on their investment. If you think about this logically, it makes sense: if you’re getting ready to purchase a home for $200K and you have $100K saved up but now hear that interest rates have gone up from 3% to 4%, that means you’ll need another $10K just so you and your partner can afford this new house payment each month. So chances are good that your family isn’t going out for dinner as often anymore because they’re scrimping and saving every penny they can just so they don’t have any extra expenses like new clothes or gifts for friends’ birthdays (or even worse—they’ve taken up part-time jobs just so they can afford those things).

Real Estate

Real estate is a type of investment that consists of land, buildings and other structures. It can be divided into residential and commercial. The value of real estate is determined by the income it generates. Real estate investments can be risky as well because real estate prices may go down if there is a decrease in demand or increase in supply.

However, if you are planning to purchase property for rental purposes then there are many tax benefits available for you under Section 80C and Section 24 (b).

One of the best ways to invest in real estate is by purchasing a property that is built on a plot of land. This will ensure that your investment remains safe and secure. The value of land can go up over time, especially if there are plans for development in the area. However, it is important to choose the right location so that you do not end up spending too much money on maintenance costs or repairs.


Commodities are raw materials that trade on commodity exchanges. These are items like gold, silver and oil. Commodity prices are quoted in dollars per unit. For example, if you see a futures price of $1,600 per ounce for gold, that means that one ounce of gold costs $1,600 (not including fees).

Commodity prices are affected by supply and demand just like other assets: when more people want to buy commodities than sell them, the price goes up; when more people want to sell commodities than buy them, the price goes down.

Do your research and invest wisely

When you’re looking to invest, it’s important to remember that long-term success comes from having a strategy and sticking to it. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket: spread out your investments across different areas so that if there is an unexpected downturn in one area, you still have other investments which are doing well.

Investing should also be something you understand before you start. If you don’t understand how something works, don’t invest in it! If a particular investment looks too good to be true or sounds too complicated for the average person to get their heads around, then maybe steer clear – there are plenty of other options out there that won’t require such an advanced understanding of the market or economy.

The secret to investing is patience. You must be willing to let your money work for you and give it time to grow. If you do this, then it’s possible that one day you will be a millionaire.

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