Vanguard Group is a global investment management company founded in 1975 by the legendary investor John Bogle. Vanguard pioneered the low-cost index fund, which has become wildly popular over the last three decades. Today, Vanguard manages more than $5 trillion in assets for over 20 million investors worldwide and offers 21 different index funds.


Index funds are managed passively, which means that they do not use any form of active management. This is in contrast to actively managed mutual funds, which rely on the skills and knowledge of a fund manager who tries to beat the performance of a benchmark index through stock selection or market timing.

Vanguard index funds use a passively managed index-sampling strategy to track a benchmark index. The type of benchmark depends on the asset type for the fund. For example, an equity (stock) fund will use an equity index as its benchmark, while international bond funds track a foreign bond index.

Corporate governance

Vanguard’s corporate governance structure is unique in the financial services industry. Vanguard is owned by its fund shareholders, who elect the firm’s board of directors. This means that all investment decisions are made by a board comprised entirely of individuals who have an interest in the soundness and performance of the underlying funds they serve as trustees (trustees are prohibited from participating in any trading or other activities that could compromise their objectivity). Management operates under strict guidelines designed to protect shareholder interests:

  • No insider trading.
  • No profiting from nonpublic information.
  • No multi-class share structures (all shares are equal).


The Vanguard Group is a privately held company. Its funds and investors own Vanguard, not shareholders. The Vanguard Group is managed by an independent board of trustees. It functions as the operating company that runs the funds (and offers other services), such as asset management, administration, compliance and client services.


The Vanguard Group was founded in 1975 by John C. Bogle, who had previously worked for the Wellington Group, a predecessor to Vanguard’s parent company. Since then, it has grown from managing $11 million in assets to managing more than $5 trillion in assets as of 2019.

Vision and mission statements

Here are the vision and mission statements of Vanguard:

The Vanguard Group’s vision is to be the world’s most admired company, where clients are number one, employees are proud to work at Vanguard and want to come here for a career.

Vanguard’s mission is to provide investment services that are simple and cost effective, so investors can reach their goals. The company also encourages charitable giving by its owners (its shareholders) and believes in protecting the environment by reducing its impact on it wherever possible or practical.

The company strives for integrity in all it does because it sees this as an ethical responsibility not only to its employees but also to those who rely on its products and services for financial advice or retirement planning purposes.

The lead index fund for the entire domestic stock market is Vanguard Total Stock Market Index.

The lead index fund for the entire domestic stock market is Vanguard Total Stock Market Index. It tracks a portfolio of approximately 3,600 stocks, with no more than 10% allocated to any one company. If you’re looking for an index fund that will give you broad exposure to all major companies in the U.S., this is it—and it’s a great place to start if you’re new to ETFs and want a single investment vehicle that covers most of your bases.

But what if your goal is something different? Maybe you want less exposure to large-cap stocks (companies with high market capitalizations) than an all-stock index fund would provide; or maybe you want more exposure to small-cap stocks (companies with lower market capitalizations). In those cases, look into balanced funds like Vanguard Balanced Index Fund and Vanguard Wellesley Income Fund.

The lead international index fund for the entire international stock market is Vanguard Total International Stock Index.

The lead international index fund for the entire international stock market is Vanguard Total International Stock Index. This fund tracks the MSCI ACWI ex-U.S. IMI Index, which includes stocks from 23 developed markets and 27 emerging markets around the world. The AUM of this fund is $5 billion and its expense ratio is 0.14%.

After reviewing more than 400 factors, researchers at Morningstar concluded that foreign funds with lower expenses have historically outperformed those with higher expenses. They found on average that investors would have made about 2% more per year over the last decade if they had invested in low-expense foreign funds rather than high-expense ones.

Vanguard Bond Index funds cover the spectrum of bonds from short-term to long-term, in both government and corporate bonds.

Vanguard offers a range of bond index funds, including both government and corporate bonds.

The Vanguard Bond Index Fund Investor Shares is an example of a fund that covers the entire spectrum of bonds from short-term to long-term, in both government and corporate bonds. The Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund Investor Shares is another option for investors seeking exposure to all types of bonds, also known as “total market” exposure. Both these funds are passive index funds that charge low expense ratios (ER).

The one “balanced” Vanguard index fund, Vanguard Balanced Index Fund, has 60% stocks and 40% bonds.

The one “balanced” Vanguard index fund, Vanguard Balanced Index Fund, has 60% stocks and 40% bonds.

The fund is suitable for investors who have a long-term investment horizon and are willing to take on some risk for the potential for higher returns.

In conclusion, Vanguard has over $2.5 trillion in assets under management, making it one of the largest mutual fund companies in the world. Vanguard offers a wide range of funds that are either actively managed or weighted towards specific sectors or investment styles.

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